for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader

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Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

'DieselEngineTrader is a very helpful site when it comes to advertising. We appreciate your attention to help improve the listings at our request. We will continue advertising on your unique website, which has been very helpful in our engine sales. We've recieved inquires from around the world! Thank you.'

Aaron & Laura Lewan, Tennessee, USA

'We're thrilled with! We sold an old CAT D343 within 1 month of listing and a Cummins engine within 3 months. We were amazed - we didn't think anyone would want them in the condition they were in!'

Stephanie Vaughan, Heavy Equipment Parts, Independence, USA

'Thank you very much for the use of "DieselEngineTrader". Our Cummins 6CT-8.3 Engine is sold and we are very happy with your service. We will definitely use it again in the future.'

Horace Crawford, E & E Industries, San Diego. USA


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